During the Republic of China era, the Jinmen Wharf in Tianjin experiences a revival. However, tensions escalate as the Caoyun and Qinglong Gang vie for control of the business. Enter Qin Fan, the descendant of the legendary Bian Que, known for his magical acupuncture skills. Qin Fan aims to be a peacemaker but inadvertently ends up killing two gang brothers.
Imprisoned and with no memory of how he escaped, Qin Fan is determined to uncover the truth behind the deaths of the corpse thief and the two gang members. His quest for justice leads him through the smoke-filled docks, where foreign conspiracies threaten the nation and harm its people. Can Qin Fan escape safely? And how will he thwart the evil deeds of these foreign forces?
!The Curious Case of Tianjin
Watch the trailer for “The Curious Case of Tianjin”.
This film promises suspense, action, and a historical mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat. 🎥🔍🌟