“Shaitaan,” a gripping supernatural thriller, has been making waves since its release. Directed by Vikas Bahl, the film stars Ajay Devgn, R. Madhavan, and Jyothika in pivotal roles. The story revolves around a family whose lives take a terrifying turn when their eldest daughter falls under the spell of black magic cast by a stranger.
Kabir Rishi (Ajay Devgn), a chartered accountant, and his wife Jyoti (Jyothika) reside in Dehradun with their children, Janhvi and Dhruv. During a vacation at their remote hill station farmhouse, they encounter an enigmatic man named Vanraj Kashyap (R. Madhavan). After Janhvi consumes a laddu given by Vanraj, she becomes obedient to his every command, like a puppet.
Vanraj reveals that he has hypnotized Janhvi through black magic, and she will follow his orders. He demands that the family “offer” Janhvi to him. When they refuse, Vanraj torments them by dictating Janhvi to perform strange and cruel acts. The family must now uncover Vanraj’s motives and stop the possession.
“Shaitaan” creates an unsettling atmosphere without relying on cheap jump scares. Instead, it delves into mind games, leaving the audience with a lingering sense of dread. R. Madhavan’s portrayal of the sinister stranger is outstanding, while Ajay Devgn’s desperate father adds depth to the narrative.
If you missed watching “Shaitaan” in theaters, worry not! The film is now available for streaming on Netflix1. So grab your popcorn, dim the lights, and immerse yourself in this spine-chilling tale of good versus evil.
“Shaitaan” combines psychological thrills with horror, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre. Don’t forget to visit ogomovies for more exciting movie recommendations!