“City Hunter” is a 2024 Japanese action-comedy film directed by Yûichi Satô, based on the popular manga series of the same name. The film follows Ryo Saeba, an exceptional marksman and private eye, who reluctantly teams up with his late partner’s sister to investigate his death. The story navigates the shadowy depths of modern-day Shinjuku, Tokyo, balancing a cool demeanor with a fun personality as they take on high-stakes challenges in the underworld1.
Here’s a brief overview of the film:
Title: City Hunter (2024)
IMDb Rating: 6.5/10 Runtime: 1 hour 42 minutes Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime, Mystery, Romance Streaming Platform: Netflix Release Date: April 25, 2024
- Ryohei Suzuki as Ryo Saeba
- Misato Morita as Kaori Makimura
- Masanobu Andô as Hideyuki Makimura
- Fumino Kimura as Saeko Nogami
Plot Summary: The film follows Ryo Saeba, a “sweeper” who navigates the shadowy depths of modern-day Shinjuku, Tokyo. After receiving a message “XYZ, please find my sister,” Ryo and his partner Hideyuki embark on a search for Kurumi, a famous cosplayer. However, tragedy strikes when Hideyuki is killed during the investigation. Kaori, witnessing her brother’s death, implores Ryo to uncover the truth behind the incident. The duo then delves into a world of crime and mystery, uncovering a shady organization and a potent new drug called Angel Dust2.
The film is noted for being shot on the real-life streets of Tokyo’s Shinjuku area, where the “City Hunter” saga is set, and features the ending theme “Get Wild Continual” by TM NETWORK1.