In the remote town of Shiyang, Chu Kuangsheng, once the town’s laughingstock, transforms into a formidable martial artist. Inheriting the Chu family’s ancestral technique after a fortuitous accident, he becomes the renowned Kuangzun in the martial world. Uncovering his family’s corruption and suspecting a link to his parents’ disappearance, Chu Kuangsheng eliminates the corrupt individuals, adopts the dual identity of a hero, and sets out on a journey. Armed with a killing sword, he cuts ties with his past, battling heroes in the vast universe. As Chu Kuangsheng’s name echoes across domains, he emerges as the master, seeking answers and justice.
Original title 万古狂帝
TMDb Rating 10 1 votes
First air date Jan. 01, 2024
Last air date Jan. 29, 2024
Seasons 1
Episodes 20